04 May, 2009

Swine Flu for Dummies

White people, generally spend their day talking about handbags, sushi and such things, while having London Fog Tea latte in Starbucks, needs something to make them panic once in a while to complete their life. They usually jump out of perfectly fine air planes and call it sky diving or engage in horrible activity call bungee jumping. But not everyone can personally put their lives in such risks for their own amusement, so they find something exciting in mass scale between each Olympic. One time they waited till air plans to drop out from the sky and world to end, and called it Y2K. And this year they find something new, called it Swine flu.

Swine flu is a flu presumably originated in Mexico as they say, and so far around 20 people died out of around 800 confirmed cases. This brings perfect drama for white people to start panicking, and we follow white people as ducklings as we usually do, start testing passengers with flu like symptoms in our Airport and discuses about it while we are getting drunk. But meanwhile, plain old flu, causes 500,000 deaths each year, but it is too common and has no theatrical value in it. Something new gives governments a reason to spend large amount of money on vaccinations and such things, that to be throw away unused in couple of years and drug companies to make large sum of money like it is Christmas. News corporations also get chance to report something all day without spending bit of money on camera crews or journalists.

Swine flu is a virus like any other flu, and virus as they usually do in their spare times, engages in evolution. But some people who do not believe in evolution in the first place, thrilled by the Swine flu, so they can say, “Look! Look! We were correct; pigs are bad, dirty and unholy! Since we are correct this time, we are correct all other times!! You unbelievers will go to hell and bake live in slow heat”. But the sad story is, they were not able to find any pig with swine flu virus yet, even if it is called swine flu. So black pork curries are still delicious as they been for past couple of thousand years and it will continue to feed us for years to come.

I’m not saying we should not protect ourselves from swine flu, or any other flu, but all I’m saying is normal dull old flu is far more dangerous and deadlier than the swine flu. And H1N1 flu as they call it now, will evolutes in to something else next year, if not in next couple of months.


Blogger Liberal Lanka said...

Good post, almost reminded me Ron Paul.

Governments all over love these things for another reason too, deviation of attention from real issues.

May 09, 2009 12:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ditto on that one. This blogger is cuntaculous. :Blog-five!:

December 06, 2010 1:46 PM  

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