11 March, 2009

Let’s blame British today. Shall We?

I’m not a big fan of blaming west for our own mistakes like most of us usually do in our spare time. Colonization is a too old word, usually meaning "robbing other people, and building the Museum of London". Even though colonization is outdated, like Windows XP or Disco, there are new releases, such as modern-colonization or neo-colonization. I don’t know what the exact meanings of those words are, but I begin to believe it is the same process of robbing other people, but ingeniously, without building railroads like they had to do last time. Whatever it may be, I’m not here to blame British for that. Let them have the things they took from us, and even let them action those as they wish, and let us move on with our lives.

Taking about moving, I came cross another visa related insult today (here). This time British officials start to inspect passengers departing Sri Lanka at the Bandaranayake Airport, (which we named after Bandaranayake family just like everything else in here) like it their grandmother’s kitchen. It seems they are there to inspect and stop passengers as they wish. I’m used to them treating me like a common thief. But this is the first time they start to make sure that I feel absolutely worthless about myself as a human being even before I leave the country.

The common and most accepted excuse for this sort of dominant and submissive relationship between west and rest of the world is, we are the people from third world countries, immigrate to their neck of the woods and rob their way of life, the same way they robed rabbits from imperial garden. I don’t know when human migration becomes a crime. It was perfectly fine till last century, since the time Eve got kicked out of Eden for playing naked with a big snake. It is part of natural human survival mechanism to migrate to richer and safer lands as the surface of world changes. Even that, we all know, it is not every single person leave Katunayaka airport, migrating to some other country where there is a Royal family without a dental plan.

This is all about keeping us behind the queue, or in other words, they staying front of the queue displaying us their behind. Even before the time of Globalization, British knew the opportunity value comes with traveling. The Grand tour was not only about getting laid in Venice, it is about young British gentleman finding new opportunities in the ever changing world. By making traveling is uttermost difficult and insulting thing for us to do, they make sure we won’t have the sort of an opportunities they are having. A legal or natural British (Shell Gas or Barnaby from Lancashire) can roam around the earth freely, and find better and more profitable opportunities before everyone else. A young client of mine, a British lad in early 20s, visited Sri Lanka with his brother regarding a new business he wanted to start. It was cheap and easy for him, and most of all; he had the opportunity to expand himself globally in early age of his life without whatsoever restrictions, while same opportunities were denied to us very aggressively.

Behalf of our spineless leaders, I would like to tell all the British Airline Liaison Officers at Colombo Airport, please go kiss a cunt of a cow.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

agree with you 100%... they're using their wealth for protectionism. I don't think we can really protest stuff like this, since we're kinda running on their money...

March 11, 2009 10:30 AM  
Blogger Liberal Lanka said...

Talking about the immigration thing, you have almost sounded like that anyone should be allowed to go settle down in the west. Would we have allowed something like that? Anyone from the west to come here settle down, changing our demographics? What about countries like Japan or Korea then? They only allow working visas for us, at least most of the western countries allow the educated to go and settle there.

Coming to your original point, yes those officials should be kicked out.

March 11, 2009 7:30 PM  
Blogger Sam said...

Theoretically yes. Homo sapiens should allow to roaming around the earth just like birds or cows. But the post is not really about migrating, but our right to travel in this globalized world. If we have the same rights west enjoy, we may very well NOT have to settle down over there in the first place. Think why some of us settle there and go through tremendous difficulties? Not because of beauty of the place, weather or natural resources, but because of opportunities. It is just like how white Americans back then denied black people opportunities, and then complained about how lazy they are and how they live off of welfare. It is the same tactic British used on Ireland.

Japan, Korea very well provide us educational visa. Korea is the easiest country for me to get visa and the most welcoming and the most beautiful country I ever visited. But, Japan or Korea do not demand us to open our economic protections and that sort of things or lecture us how to be better humans, like British does.

True, Britain allow selected crowd by their interest to enjoy the “privilege” of living there. We all know how this visa environment plays a supporting role in LTTE issue in Sri Lanka.

March 11, 2009 10:04 PM  
Blogger Liberal Lanka said...

Oh so we can't stand up on our own feet because we are deprived of opportunities huh? care to mention some of those opportunities? care to explain how the east asians managed to get rich when they were deprived of opportunities?

when it comes to economic protections everyone wants the other to open up. We want the west to open up, west want us to open up. The japan, korea doesn't want to open up trade protections? come one man who does flood our markets the east asians or the west?

As for trying to educate us to be better humans that was true and we listened like idiots. Should have kicked the brits out of Sri Lanka, and the inability to do so is our mistake too.

March 12, 2009 10:52 AM  
Blogger Sam said...

I think from my part I make a mistake not explaining clearly as possible or go beyond the limit of the topic. I understand your point and I even agree with it.

No. we are who we are today because of “us”, and only “us” can solve it. If there is a wall front of us, it is our responsibility to jump over it, no matter who put it there. But we have to recognize there is a wall there and there is nothing wrong blaming the person who put it up there.

Korea and Japan, was granted “rights” after WWII and Korean War. Now, again, I don’t say that is “The Reason” Sony able to sell transistor radios in US, or Hyundai become the car of the year. But I don’t know how difficult it would be, if they had a locked door front of them. Look at the deferent between West Germany and East Germany. Same people. Same country. One had right to travel and others did not.

If there is a job in US, and there are a SL lad and a British lad (even with Sri Lankan origin) with exact same educational experience for that job, British lad will get the job first – because he have much better world experience and he have better access to it. If there is a cloth manufacture in SL, and a buyer in UK, who will decide the price? Buyer. If there is a cloth manufacture in UK and a buyer in SL, who decide the price? Seller. If British and SL both had same exact right to travel and explore the market, who will decide the price? Market. That is what I mean by opportunities.

Again, I’m not saying we can’t stand on our own feet because of deprived of opportunities. Humans have ability to manipulate the environment for our benefit. If Brits able to do it, we should be able to do it too.

March 12, 2009 8:32 PM  

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