06 January, 2009

Anagarika Dharmapala - A Kalu-Suddha.

Kalu-Suddha is a common term in Sri Lanka which has the same meaning of Twinkie or Banana in Chinese culture, yellow outside and white inside, or Oreo in the hood, black outside and white inside. And it has the contrary meaning to "Marmite Sandwich" in urban language - White outside and black inside. Direct translation of Kalu-Suddha would be "black-Caucasian". An insult to any none-Caucasian fan of Caucasian society or Caucasian ideology. And Anagarika Dharmapala used that word a lot.

Anagarika Dharmapala is a great hero; I learned when I was kid. Or rather they forced me to learn that just like everything else. He was born in a time Sri Lanka was one of the richest countries in Asia and there were rich elite group of locals, who own ships and even received knighthoods. Dharmapala belong to that privileged few. There is nothing wrong with that. It gave him chance to complete his grand tour in Europe and in the New World, and finally joined with a American NGO, goes by the name of Theosophical Society.

Theosophical Society is a racist organization that believed in root race call Aryans which originated from a place call Atlantis. They intentionally or unintentionally presented philosophical support to Nazi party and work toward to achieve supremacy of Aryan society.

King Asoka the great builds his empire using Buddhism. He didn’t control his empire with weapons or by law. Buddhism was his tool. He was so successful in what he did, his system control us Sri Lankans to this day and other so call "Buddhist countries" in Asia too. Buddhism never meant to have a leader or controlled by one. So no one had to take his place to continue what he started. That is the brilliance of it. But there were one weakness, just like everything else in the world. Regardless Buddhism never meant to have a controller, if someone take control of it, one way or another, that person can take control of the functioning empire Ashoka left. May be he knew it. Maybe that is why he makes sure his children will not take his place afterword him. It works, until Theosophical Society comes in, from America, and takes control of Buddhism.

It was a time white politicians rule our countries and white solders marched our roads. They did every thing possible to take control of every aspect our life. It was not that difficult for them to take control of Buddhism too. It never had a leader. All they had to do was, walk in, and take control. So they did. And they changed it as they wish. They injected all the western principles and values in to it, taught us what to do. And to this day, we call them Sinhalese Buddhist Values, and we are proud of it. Buddhism never had a flag or a logo, because it never meant to have that sort of things. But they created one anyway. I guess you have to have a flag if you rule something. While you at it, why wait, why not declares a new Buddha. Pope does it with his saints. So they did. They declared a Hindu lad as the new Buddha.

And that is how white man conquered king Ashoka’s empire. The same way he builds it in the first place. And Dharma-Pala (the Controller of Buddhism – which Buddhism never meant to have) did exactly his white master, who he worked as a translator, wanted him to do.

Sri Lankans were divided by castes, but we were never divided by racial grounds until British came up with their brilliant "divide and rule" policy, that creates problems every corner of the world to this day. Great people like Mahathma Gandhi understood the dangers of that and he did everything humanly possible to stop it. That old man walked on his barefoot, village to village preaching unity. Not just unity among deferent caste of Hindus, but unity among Hindus and Muslims and uncountable numbers of tribes in India. And he made been just an Indian a cool thing.

Dharmapala rode his automobile village to village playing his Phonograph, preaching Sinhalese to wake up and compete with other tribes. Until Phonograph, humans never heard of anything talks other than a living and breathing human. Talking machine was magic. In America, they charge a nickel to play this gimmick for a minute. And then there is this Anagarika Dharmapala playing the magic talking machine to villages for free. Doing exact thing what white rulers wanted him to do. Divide. And he was doing his part in a big plan. There were Tamil leaders doing exactly the samething as British wished them to do too. And Darmapala completed them. You need two sides to play ball.

This Sinhalese nationalist and Tamil nationalist (correctly, Sinhalese racist and Tamil racist) movement created by both elite Sinhalese and Tamil leaders, later on gave opportunity for Sinhalese nationalists to grab power. By people like Dharmapala creating race base movement, they silence deferent sort of uniting movement to grow in Sri Lanka. He made been a racist a cool thing. And he did that with American aid.

I don’t say Anagarika Dharmapala or his NGO no good at all. Indeed they did good things. Without them there won't be an YMBA, where we have annual shoe sales or strip malls. But he did so many things I wish he didn't. I wish if he was like Gandhi. But he was not a one.


Blogger Mahasen said...

Ah... the truth that's going to hurt many...

Being a racist is really cool and fun you know; especially when some one leads; there's a great deal of energy there - just like watching a boxing match; you want to get into the ring and beat some one up. So is being a religion-ist. You can say that other's are idiots and you are intelligent - or you can say others are barbarians and you are civilized. And there would always be a bunch of people around you who agree with you and cheer.

It's difficult if you start to realize there's some thing wrong in it... it's not easy to speak-up against what you were; and it's not accepted as cool to change your philosophy of life; you get beaten by your colleagues as well as former enemies.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that; when people get caught up in racism or religion-ism it's easier to stay that way; very rarely do people realize anything wrong in it.

May be Dharmapala never realized he was being used for separatism; may be the bugger actually thought he was doing good.

Thanks to him;
now we have people who'd fight till the death for buddhism; instead of meditating and wish wellbeing even for those who are ill treating buddhism;

Now we have vesak cards, lanterns and thoran (massive traffic blocks as a byproduct). Observing precepts is done in mass gatherings.

And you'd be called a traitor for the nation for calling a national hero kalu-sudda :P

In short - we have a whole new religion and a race... ain't it wonderful?

January 07, 2009 2:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

අනේ සෑම්! මක්කද මේ කළේ? අපේ බිඳෙනසුළු (fragile) මනසට මේක දරා ගන්න හැකියැ?

ඕල්කට්කාරයා දැනහිටි බුද්දාගමක් නෑ. තියෝසොපියකුත් නැහැ. උන්දෑ කළේ ඉතාම කපටි විදියට NGO එකක් අටවාගෙන ඉන්දියාවෙත් ලංකාවෙත් පීඩිත ජන කොට්ඨාශයකට යම් සහනයක් ලබා දෙන්න කටයුතු කොරපු එක. හරියට අද NGO කාරයෝ වගේමයි. මා එය වරදක් සේ දකිනවා නෙවෙයි. උන්නැහේ නිසා අපට බොහෝ දේ ලැබුනා. නමුත් එය මහා විශාල විප්ලවයක් සේ හුවා දැක්විය යුතු දෙයක් නෙවයි.

ධර්මපාල ගෙනගියේ ජාතිවාදී ව්‍යාපාරයක් බව ඇත්ත. නමුත් චම්පික රණවකලාගේ විමල් වීරවංසලාගේ මෝඩ ජාතිවාදයට වඩා ප්‍රගතිශීලී ලක්ෂණ එහි තිබුණා. හොඳම උදාහරණය තමා සිංහලයන්ව ව්‍යාපාර ඇති කිරීමට උනන්දු කරලීම. එහෙම නොකළා නම් අද අපට දේශීය ව්‍යාපාරිකයන් නෑ.

කිසිම කෙනෙක් සියයට සියයක් නිවැරදි නෑ. කළ හොඳ හා නොහොඳ දෙක තුලනාත්මකව සලකා බැලීමේදී ධර්මපාල සමාජයට යහපතක් කළ බැව් පිළිගත යුතුයි.

January 07, 2009 8:38 AM  
Blogger Dee said...

wow...great points! Interesting post!

January 07, 2009 9:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I always thought Anagarika Dharmapala modeled the all new Sinhala Buddhism after Christianity. Like sagara has said what have you done sam? This one is going to hurt many.

January 07, 2009 2:06 PM  
Blogger Sam said...

True. Racism is so much an adrenaline rush.

// May be Dharmapala never realized he was being used for separatism; may be the bugger actually thought he was doing good.//
I think that too. I mean after all he is a relatively young guy. He did all he did in his 20s and early 30s. And End of 30s he was disappointed at Sinhalese lack of response, went to India and died after saying even do not bury him toward Sri Lanka. And after all he was upper class, lucky guy – with talent indeed. I don’t think he had much of expose to grass root Sri Lankans either, at least not like his father did.

no. I don’t say he is no good at all. There are good things. And at the same time, I don’t think we Sri Lankans suffer as much as we are suffering now back in the days. Well, I know they tax our dogs and things like that, but we still tax dogs. At least back in the days, the country developed very faster than now and we had a surplus in our economy even until Bandaranayaka came in. We had surprisingly wealthier international business operations in Ceylon own by locals, than in Sri Lanka. Anyway that is a deferent topic altogether.

Thanks :)

well. I don’t think people will really get hurt by it. I mean.. Yes.. We may tend to quote Darmapala before we do something stupid and racist or just after we did something in that sort. And also there are another group of people who also depend on the system he developed and proud of they are belonging to that system. But the wonderful thing about the blog is, you read only what you like. And I don’t think they will read this:)

January 07, 2009 8:09 PM  
Blogger Voice in Colombo said...

I can't believe how I missed this masterpiece on Kottu feed! It's well written and well argued. Of course it hurts. But it's true. But as a person, I don't believe in blaming the history (You would have noticed it in many of my blog posts). Our country is in this pathetic situation, because our forefathers messed it up in the past. We have to look back and see what have we done wrong. And analyze it, like you have done here. But we shouldn't blame it! We have to make sure, that bitter history will never repeat again.

Brilliant post, I must say!

January 22, 2009 4:14 PM  
Blogger sbarrkum said...

Interesting comparison of the Theosophical Society to a NGO.

The Aryan Supremacy and the Theosophical Society was a new one to me. So I looked it up.

Controversy / Racial Beliefs

Blavatsky posited that humanity had descended from a series of non-human "Root Races", naming the fifth root race (out of seven) the Aryan race. The Root Races were evolutionary stages, each new Root Race being more evolved than the previous one. She thought that the Aryans originally came from Atlantis,[3], who were part of the fourth Root Race. The Aryan Root Race was only one more step in the evolutionary progress and it would eventually be superseded by a more spiritual Root Races , the sixth. She believed that "The Semites, especially the Arabs, are later Aryans — degenerate in spirituality and perfected in materiality. To these belong all the Jews and the Arabs. The former are a tribe descended from the Tchandalas of India, the outcasts, many of them ex-Brahmins, who sought refuge in Chaldea, in Scinde, and Aria (Iran), and were truly born from their father A-bram (No Brahmin) some 8,000 years B.C. The latter, the Arabs, are the descendants of those Aryans who would not go into India at the time of the dispersion of nations, some of whom remained on the borderlands thereof, in Afghanistan and Kabul,* and along the Oxus, while others penetrated into and invaded Arabia. But this was when Africa had already been raised as a continent. We have meanwhile to follow, as closely as limited space will permit, the gradual evolution of the now truly human species. It is in the suddenly arrested evolution of certain sub-races, and their forced and violent diversion into the purely animal line by artificial cross-breeding, truly analogous to the hybridization, which we have now learned to utilize in the vegetable and animal kingdoms, that we have to look for the origin of the anthropoids."

February 20, 2009 6:19 AM  
Anonymous madura said...

Yeah, I tend to think of him as more of a ruler than a man of Buddhism. Its completely 100% known that Buddhism doesnt want people not to eat meat but this guy emphasized on that Buddhism is not about you eating habits but this guy started it! thats just one thing the other is separatism again its not in Buddhism true that Buddha wanted to see his Dhamma prevail on this land for 5000 years any attacker, attacking that or the free will of people should be fought and dealt with but why fight with the people we lived with for so many years just because someone says to?

April 08, 2009 8:17 PM  

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