Petrol, Diesel or Gas what ever you call it, we all want to get the best mileage out of it. There are tons of advices & tips out there for save fuel and improve mileage. Some tips actually helps a lot and some are not at all. I tried all of them.
Here are the tips actually helps me a lot to improve mileage.
Drive Sooth.
Try to reduce unnecessary speeding-ups as much as you can.
There is no point drive fast just to wait front of a red light or a train.
Once you stop, accelerate gradually. Don't struggle to be in front of the pack.
Do not speed up over the speed limit just because someone keep on honking at you or flashing at your behind.
It do not matter are you driving a Maruti or a two ton SUV, improve your driving style is the best way to get better mileage.
If not moving, take the foot out
Do not use the accelerator to stop the car and keep it in place - use the break. If car is not moving, avoid pumping the gas pedal or racing the engine for no reason. When the car is moving, take the foot our of the break pedal.
Keep the engine in good shape
Clean the air filter. Follow recommended tune-ups. But be careful not to over spend or use expensive engine oil or oil change unnecessarily.
Wheel alignment
Make sure your wheels are properly aligned. Just drop by wheel alignment joint when you have free time. You don't have to wait till everything goes out of order. Simple adjustments can save you a lot in long run.
Do not "over" warm-up
Best way to warm up is drive your car. 15 seconds idling time is more than enough to warm up the engine in tropical country like Sri Lanka. Steering, suspension, transmission, tires, wheel bearings warm up only when the car is moving. Drive slowly in the first minute or two if your car is not in good shape, but no need to keep it idle for long time.
Do not needlessly idle the engine
If you're buying fuel, waiting for a friend, waiting for the slow train to pass by, stop the engine, if it is more than a minute. Starting an engine takes very little extra fuel, it is negligible.
Do not look for better parking spot or wait in long lines. Walk. It saves you time and fuel.
Don't carry unnecessary weight
Empty out the trunk.
Now here are the myths. Do not believe just because I said so. Try them out yourself.
AC Off gives Better Mileage.
No help at all if you are driving a late model. Yes, air compressor pull power from the engine. But at the same time keeping the window down while moving, increases the drag. Aerodynamics are more important at high-speed. Tiny profit you get at moderate speed is not worth enough of discomfort. After all modern car ACs are very effective. But if you are stuck in none moving traffic, no matter how evil it is to keep the AC off, you can save fuel big time. But practically I never experience any mileage improvement by sweating myself without AC.
Set The Thermostat Low.
As long as AC is on, no matter what the dashboard setting is the belt connected to the compressor is turning at the same power. If you want it to disengage, turn the AC off, not low it down. No saving at low thermostat.
Automatic transmissions are less efficient than manual
Partly true. But in some cases, automatic transmissions are more efficient nowadays. But mileage always depends on your driving style. Automatic transmission car required deferent driving style than a manual transmission. If you drive it correctly, you won't see much deference.
Anyway automatic transmission consumes some energy for run its mechanism.
Buy fuel in the morning when the fuel is cooler, thus denser
I didn't see any significant deference.
Small engines deliver better mileage
If the engine is too small for the car, it has to work hard and burn more fuel. When there is a same model with two deferent engine capacities, it is always wise to go for higher engine capacity.
Always keep full tank
Fuel gauge always move faster at the lower half. That happens because middle point in the meter is not exactly the half of the tank. Most of the time fuel tanks are irregularly shaped. Also the gauge works inconsistent too.
HowStuffWorks explain this better.
In contrary when the tank is full, you are carrying more weight with you.
High Octane
Higher octane than the recommended value doesn't give you higher mileage or tiny improvement not worth the extra price. Always follow recommended values and save.
Here are My Own Advices and Tips
Make sure you get exactly what you paid for
Get down from the driving seat when you are at petrol station and pay attention to the meter.
Plan the trip ahead
Plan the routing before you get in to the car and let your passengers also know the routine.
Always look for alternative routes
We all have our own fix routes that we don't like to change. Keeping that a side, get a map and study your every day route - I guarantee you can fine more pleasant route.
Drive when others are not driving
This will defiantly save fuel and peace of mind.
Have a good Audio System
Calm your self when you are behind the wheel. Ignore all the hunks and head lights. Forgive all the morons drives next to you. Car is not a medium to express your emotions.
The bottom line is, the car itself can do very little to save fuel comparing to the driver. One of my friends once finish full tank petrol in less than 40 minute driving and the same person drive to Katharagama and back with full tank petrol too.
Understand your car and drive with your car - that is the best way to improve mileage. Labels: Environment, How To, Technology