26 July, 2006

I'm angry. I'm very angry

I’m angry. I’m very angry. I’m very angry at our old generation who does not save us anything, left us burning country with no industry, no infrastructure, and no economy.

What we collect from our old generation? Two separate countries inside this tiny piece of land, bullshit stock market, banking system run by one person or two, centuries old rail road system, no roads, trade unions and May Day. What I’m going to do with that? Those are not good raw materials for develop something useful.

What they thought us? Did they teach us how to be a good workers? How to be an inventors? How to be open minded? How to be an entrepreneurs? How to be a good citizens? No! They taught us how to organize trade unions – how to demand – how not to work - how to burn down government property – how to destroy infrastructure – how to rebel – how to destroy our own boss. Now what are we going to do with these Labor unions and bunch of unless workers and idiotic university graduates?

What happened to industrial revolution? Why our old generation didn’t did their part in the history. Are they happy about industries they have destroyed? Are they happy about the war they started? Are they happy they left us with no places to work – no infrastructure to manufacture?

Now we have to smuggle ourselves in to Korea, Malaysia, Singapore.. Or wait outside embassies, under burning sun, hoping we can get out of the country. We do anything for get out of here. We risk our life – we give up people dear to us – we cheat – we lie – we sacrifice our soul.

I’m mad. I’m mad because we are - current generation - didn’t do anything to change that. I’m mad because we are bunch of useless idiots too. We are the same. We skip the digital revolution just like how our old generation skips the industrial revolution. We divide the country in to two. We are proud of our Labor Unions just like our old generation. Centuries after India completed rail road system we still scratch our head. I’m mad because one day our young generation will look back to us & think we didn’t save anything for them except the tragic misery they have to live in.

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25 July, 2006

I'm Smoking Ganja Aagin?

News : Sri Lanka's Tamil Tiger rebels, listed as a terrorist organization in many countries, are drafting their own 'anti-terrorism laws'.

News : The Sri Lanka government will export 50,000 metric tons of paddy to India within the next two weeks, bringing in Rs. 600 million in foreign exchange.

News : The fertilizer subsidy has cost the Sri Lankan government Rs. 5.7 billion in the first four months of this year.

News : Sri Lanka government has decided to permit the local rice merchants to import 9,337 metric tonnes (MT) of rice from Pakistan within the next six months. [Janapathi]

News : Former Sri Lankan President Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga is planning to return to Sri Lanka with the hope of engaging in active politics at the end of August or at the beginning of September.

News : Opposition Leader Ranil Wickremesinghe, who is on a visit to New Delhi, is to complain to India against President Mahinda Rajapaksa's moves to take his parliamentarians, sources said.

Some one please tell me I'm high and those are not real news. Please..

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22 July, 2006

TRC or LTTE. Who damage us more?

Aztecs was the most fearless people in the whole world. In 1487 they have sacrifice 84,400 humans over four days. I don’t think any other have sacrificed that much to God. God must be in their side after all that rituals. They had sophisticated architectural skills in both city building and irrigation. That had had one of the best farming methods – even they cultivate on floating bots.

In 1521 Hernando Cortés, a Spanish Conquistador with just 500 soldiers overthrew thousands of mighty Aztec warriors in couple of month. How was it possible?

Hernando had Spanish fighting horses, fire power, steel swords, canons, and steel armor, none of them invented in Spain.

Why Spanish had that knowledge and why not Aztecs?

Simple reason was Aztecs didn’t have sophisticated writing system. Aztecs live other side of the big pond cutting off from the rest of the world. They had no respect for up-to-date knowledge – they thought they had everything they need. Eventually they could not keep up with the rest of the world. They extinct.

My point is we need to keep up with the rest of the world to survive. War alone could not wipe out any society.

I travel across number of small tiny villages in India – stinky – one room houses –10 – 20 houses in each village – no town or another village for next one hour or so – no roads except rail road passing by or footpaths. But they had one thing we do not have. Satellite Disc on top of one house, and cables running to other houses. What happening with our Cabal TV right now? The simple reason we don’t have cable right now is not LTTE – it is TRC.

Dialog was trying to start 3G for years. Who was holding them? Not LTTE – it is TRC.

Dialog finally brought 3G license for 25750000000000000000 Rs this year. We (users) have to pay that price end of the day. Who is punishing us for using 3G? Not LTTE – it is TRC.

True P2T (push 2 talk) is a technology run on community spectrum as Wi-Fi (not on GPRS) – it suppose to works as walki-talki. Who is holding the community spectrum in Sri Lanka? Not LTTE – it is TRC.

VOIP is illegal to use in Sri Lanka. Who is stopping me using VOIP inside the country or to outside the country? Not LTTE – it is TRC.

Few decades ago – Mr. Knnangara understood importunacy of nation keeping up with rest of the world. They didn’t have computers those days – no internet – no Spielberg or Bill gates. All they had was books. They provided free books to all of us.

If we follow Knnangara’s footstep we are suppose to offer free internet and computers this age.

The issue is not that, I pay 270$ per a month for 64kbps internet connection – who add licensing fee to internet bill? Not LTTE it is TRC.

Radio spectrum belongs to every human– it is not for sale. Yes. One should organize and regulate it – but none suppose to sell it. Who auction our radio spectrum? Not LTTE - it is TRC.

I know only few people in Colombo can afford all those licensing fees & keep up with the rest of the world – But Colombo is not Sri Lanka. TRC keep rest of the island in dark and cut of from rest of the world. We can’t survive for 20 more years if we are not IT literate enough. We will fade a way in to the history just like Aztecs did.

LTTE kill our body – TRC kill our mind.

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21 July, 2006

United State of Sri Lanka?

If Sri Lanka go for federal constitution after peace talk – theoretically we suppose to have two (or more) countries united under one central government? (Is it? I don’t have much of knowledge in this actually.)

If it is so – north (and East) we will have one state name 'Elam' and then south may be ‘Sri Lanka’ (or some other name?) So then we need a new name for new federal country?

That may be something like ‘United State of Sri Lanka’ (USSL) or Federation of Sri Lanka (FSL).
What name you prefer?
I prefer USSL. Do you have any favorite name for new federal country?

When we think about it we need to change the flag also - wonder how the new flag look like?

Don’t be too serious about this – this is just my crazy thoughts.

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17 July, 2006

How much money we need for better life in Sri Lanka?

Different in US and Sri Lanka is, in Sri Lanka everyone is a politician – even ‘Sirisena Mama’ know about politics as much as Mahinda. I too try be like them and think of inexpensive ways to make our daily life better. I know everything in this list is impossible and may not happen sooner - But one lucky day in the future some of them may take place.

This is my favorite. Go to city. Someone is tying to sell a lottery or something on Loudspeaker. Nonstop – every direction - Top of that religious propaganda in evening. Some times even at night – specially Poya days.
Then Muslims have to announce prayer time! What is with that? Do you guys really forget most important time of the day? (By the way how come none made a watch/phone with prayer time inbuilt as an alert?)
Next we announce complete biography of dead people. If one doesn’t know I’m live or dead I don’t want that person to come to my funeral anyway. That is most ridicules use of loudspeakers.

We honk for girls, cars, three wheelers, dogs, cats, and everything. Some drivers use the horn as the primary control device. I try to drive without unnecessary honking – yes it is possible even in Sri Lankan roads. This is the first matter foreigners get scared when they visit Sri Lanka.
No loudspeakers – no hones. We don’t have to wait till the war end for enjoy quietness in our life.

We don’t have to build a city like London to enjoy city life. We already spend lot of money building nice looking walls around our property until some one come and mess the whole thing up with bright noisy posters. After all we even stick posters on traffic sign posts, color lights, trees, rocks, even on road surface.

The city can be rich or poor – road can be proper or Sri Lankan, Still if there are trees around the road that is the best dam road in the whole dam world. Best example is front of Petta Railway station and back of the Petta Railway station.

Same method USA use. Your driveway/payment front of your house/business is your responsibility & you have to keep it clean. Think about how clean our payments can be.

Respect for romance and sexual freedom
Average marriage happen in Sri Lanka at age 27 - most of the time it is an arrange-marriage too. Till then almost everyone own confused, sexually frustrated life. Yes. There are very few have luxury of clubbing, meeting other people and keep up active lifestyle. But rest of the people get married with a person who doesn’t know what the sex is and eventually end up hanging up with similar friends getting drunk all night.

Quality Prostitution
Prostitution is nothing clean. So do the society. Just like every city need a sewer system, every society need sewer system too. If not we will have garbage every where stinking everyone.

Grade 5 Scholarship Exam
This bloody exam convert every children’s life a living hell and also the parent’s. Kids have no time to watch Cartoons, play, experiment or anything. If kid fail this exam he have to study in a hall – if pass, he can study in a room – but childhood worth a lot more than that.

Free Education
Education – Every level of education - Should be open for every human. Rich, Poor – Smart, Stupid – young, old– everyone should have right for education up to any level they want. I know we have free education for rich and poor but we don’t have free education for stupid. Anyone who doesn’t have enough score in A/L exam, we officially declare as stupid & not worth of getting in to standard Education system. This is the biggest human right violation in Sri Lanka and it won’t take penny to correct this.

TRC (telecommunication regulatory commission) damage future generation more than LTTE. Sri Lanka license winMAX, Dial-up, and all other essentials we need to keep up with the world. Our old generation offers us free books – just because they want us to keep up with the rest of the world. Book is all they had those days. There was no internet, there was no computers. But now we have internet and we have computers. So what shall we do – offer free internet to kids or restrict as much as people using it? We don’t need free internet – we will pay for it – but just let me share my connection with others – that is call internet – that is how it supposes to be. (By the way how come TRC active so much and not Bribery Commission?)

Payment is nice place to buy and sell - But not on every dam pavement in the country. Let’s utilize that for primary purpose first and then go for other benefits. That doesn’t cost a thing.

Bottom line is we don't have to wait till the war end or the treasury get full to start having quality life in Sri Lanka. The war will never end. The treasury will never fill. The real problems we have everyday far more deferent than what politicians talk about.

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11 July, 2006

Top 10 Discriminated Minorities in Sri Lanka - Are you one of them?

Discrimination exist in any society. As societies develop intellectually and economically we tend to give up most of the discrimination practice. Discrimination is a relative concept we can’t define by definite rules. All the discrimination not meant bad intention either. Some times we discriminate with good intentions. Some times there are no other options. I try to collect some of the discrimination I see every day around me. I may have missed some but I was able to collect some of them.

10. CEB (Ceylon Electricity Board) customers
This is my favorite. Electricity is the only service in Sri Lanka does not have any quality control at all. Still take a big bill form my pocket. CEB discriminate their clients anyway they wish. Even we get 120V only 12 hours a day we have no way of complaining. Even the discriminate worst than most of others Since customer base is not really a minority I make this number 10.

9. (Psychologically) Sick people

There are whole lot of syndromes and disorders. But in Sri Lanka we only have two types of people. Just Crazy people and normal people. That is it. Anyone who have psychological disorder treated as Crazy worthless laughing stock in the society.

8. Intellectuals
Been an Intellectual is one of the hardest things to do and there aren’t too many of them either. The simple reason Sri Lanka is a country control by the religion. Religion and Intelligent do not go together. So when ever possible we try to shut Intellectuals.

7. Physically challenged people

There is no way a wheelchair get in to a bus or roll on the road. How many times have we seen a physically challenged person works government institution?

6. Entrepreneurs

Rich or making money is a taboo in Sri Lanka. Community never supports free Entrepreneurship. Since the independence all we try to do was destroy the rich people and Entrepreneurs. We killed them. We burn their property. Their families. And still we rally at the May 1st and wish if we don’t have any more rich people.

5. Productive people.

Majority of Sri Lankan does not realize there is no such a thing call free lunch. But they always get free lunch because they are able to exploit Productive people (+ foreign aid). Our Rice industry is a good example I can think of. We provide fertilizer subsidiary (that is productive people’s money) also forced to buy rice for higher price (again productive people’s money). End of the day productive people have to take care the majority of unproductive people.

4. Divorcee

Devoice is a Taboo for ‘Buddhists’ (refer to number 3) for a reason even Buddha do not know. Also legal devoice process is very complicated and time consuming. I have seen enough people still pretend marriage but emotionally divorced. They have no place to go. So they have no choice.

3. Buddhists
Three simple Reasons.
1.) Buddhists are the greater minority in Sri Lanka. I mean the Real Buddhists. I know there are majority who call them self ‘Religious Buddhists’. But not them.
2. Real Buddhist has been forced to follow other religious commandments. Few Examples: Anti Conversion bill, Alcohol Ban and all other new rules. My favorite is sexual abstinence, pre-marriage sex and anything to do with controlling my underwear. I like the real Buddhist principle - decide what is right and what is wrong for me. But I don’t have that right.
3. Discrimination against Buddhist females: Best example is females have no voting rights in Temple of tooth relic in Kandy. Once I heard very popular monk suggest we should ban ladies working after 2pm.

2. School Children

School kids have no choice or no voice. They are allowing for physical punishments and emotional harassments. Most of them suffer form malnutrition. There have no chances to work even after reach legal age of working. They have been used as a status symbol by their parents most of the times. What else I can say. It is not a happy life. I wish if there was school shooting when I was schooling.

1. University Freshmen

20 years old. Don’t know a thing about this world. They just turn in to senior’s ‘Bitch’ for three whole ragging months. They are allowed for physical and emotional harassment. Even death is an acceptable outcome for freshmen. I made this number one for four reason:
1. There is no choice. We have a free education with no freedom in it.
2. This discrimination totally caters to primitive animal behavior.
3. A country is as good as it is education system. This discrimination is root for large social issues we are having in the society.
4. This is indirectly funded by tax payer’s money.

I have not seen any Tribal Discrimination worth of adding to top 10 list. My personal view is Tribal Discrimination sound very catchy all the leaders use that to distract us form real Discrimination we face every day. 

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01 July, 2006

Suicide, Euthanasia & Abortion

Watched 'The Sea Inside' today. True story about Ramón Sampedro, quadriplegic for 30 years & fight for end his life with dignity. After court turn him down, he drank a glass of potassium cyanide prepared by his friend & end his life - with some dignity - but without legal acceptance.

Suicide is not a taboo in Sri Lanka. We hear suicide everyday. We see suicide everyday. There is a big chance I may expire by a Tamil Tiger suicide bomber too sooner or later. May be you too.. Who really knows? Inside Tamil tiger community, suicides for political reason conceded as heroism. But they are not along in this world. There are more than enough extreme hate groups around the world conceder suicide as heroism. Last couple of years we bring back the public execution also - some are proud of we are been able to kill other killers. But Suicide, Euthanasia & Abortion still illegal in Sri Lanka. I really can't think of any logical reason why we still approve public execution but why we hate Euthanasia. Closest reason I can think of is - how we live and how we die, decide by the White guy in Rome. He is not a logical person. But he control our lives. White and Yellow robed guys in Sri Lanka follows his exact verdict and rule our poor lives.

There are couples of suicide recordeds in the bible. Most of them are political suicides (King Saul, Samson & may be - may be Judas too) bible do not condemn them at all. But at the same time bible says 'God's plan is for life, not death' and 'Life belongs to God'. That I do not agree very much. Because, God didn't hesitate when he wanted to take lives. I do not consider him as a protector of life in general.

Even in the Buddhist scriptures there are few records about suicides -Some times even enlighten monks. Killing, Suicide and anything to do with taking lives clearly prohibited for monks. That do not apply for lay people exactly as it is I presume. Well... Buddhist says 'Thou Shall Not Kill' but that Is not a rule at all. The base principle is 'action is what counts more than the act itself' in Buddhism.

I think Ramón should have his freedom to end his life with dignity under his special circumstances. And the law should allow the freedom limited to some circumstances. Not only Euthanasia even Abortion should allow under some circumstances.
Not only we don't have welfare system in Sri Lanka, we even force rape victim to carry rapist's child and take-care all her life. I can't imagine how they do so.

We all know most of the doctors make life and death decisions off the record every day. Some rape victims lucky enough to encounter a thoughtful doctor when the medical examination taken. But most of the doctors do not have 20 minutes for unofficial procedures in government hospitals.

Some times what we want is not exactly what other people wants. My favorite Aunt breathed her last by cancer with great deal of pain years back (I missed her cakes). She honestly wished to end her life with dignity in her last couple of painful weeks. She was not able to get up and do her wish. She wanted some one else help. We just watched her suffer. I know we all have similar experience in our life one time or another.

Medicine is well developed in this age - it able to keep her up for painful couple of extra weeks. It looks like another side effect of medicine. If one suffers - if one thinks it is best for the person - we (law) should not denied the best interest of the person.
What is it about we always want to control other peoples lives?

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