09 July, 2007

Global Warming, Environmentalist and Sinners.

Al Gore’s Live Earth Concert was very successful last two days. It’s defiantly a wonderful thing to organize simultaneous musical concert all over the world. Without a doubt that makes media talk about Global Warming more – at least this weekend. Other hand Gorge Bush and American republicans does not believe in Global Warming, evaluation, fossils or anything else that is not in the Bible. But Europeans always seems to be more rational than American Republicans or Islamic radicals.

Al Gore was with Larry King other day. He introduced pledges that you can also sign online here. That brings me to the question, why - we Sri Lankans - should sign up for Al Gore’s pledge? Are we all Carbon sinners?

Now I don’t mean we should not care about Environment. We Sri Lankans are – most Asians are – very Environment friendly people indeed. It is in our roots. It is in our philosophy. We never believed the world was created for our use or we didn’t kill Jesus. And we didn’t create Global Warming either. But it seems there are people in our part of the world always busy trying to impress on the westerners that they are “Deferent from those uneducated primitive others", even willing to be Sinners if they can be closer to the white man and their believes. Even a carbon sinner.

When those people take over Environment issues in our part of the world, it starts to look very stupid. Just like our Polythene ban. We ban the thin polythene less than 20 microns, eventually ended up using more, thicker polythene.

And then there is other group screaming bloody murder for genetically modified food in Sri Lanka. Westerners have luxury of choosing what they eat. But we are not. By not using new technology, we end up using more land, more fertilizer, more pesticide and more environment damage at the end, not to mention number of children going to bed hungry.

Then we have another group always go against anything to do with rural development. New roads, power plants, air ports, harbors, you name it. Mostly that’s the urban middle class visit village side once in a while for leisure, while villages struggle to survive the day. As a result of stupid Environment friendliness, we end up burning more fuel in the traffic, having individual power generators making more environment damage.

China and India seems to be the biggest topic in Global Warming. Some are screaming in the west and westerners are like, they cannot save the plant while India and China is producing more carbon. Bloody hell! Giver the poor man a break!

Global average carbon emission is around 1.27 tonnes per a capita.In India it is 1.9 and in China it is 3.2. But in America it is humongous 19.8, Australia 5.6 and Britain have very good records this year: 2.5 per capita. Even though figures are low this year; Brits were producing more carbon in large numbers since our great great grandparent’s time. Even it is looks like China have a big number compared to UK, products they make ultimately end up in western consumer’s hands who demand for cheaper goods from China. And they are more a less responsible for China’s carbon emission too.

For me it looks more like, bunch of boys went in to a brothel there is only one whore. West went in first, while we wait behind the line. After they satisfied their needs - in every hole they can find, they come back to us and say “look guys, she is tired. Poor girl.. Do not go to her... Look .. Look.. we are fair. We won’t go to her any more too”.

You know what? Fuck you!

Hunger and poverty is more important than the Environment. When Westerners talk about Public Transportation, they do not talk about how we hold our dear life on a footboard of a TATA bus. When they talk about CFL bulbs they do not talk about how we can afford one or the fact half the country even do not have electricity. Having a bright light at night is a luxury in this part of the world. When they talk about energy efficient electronic, they don’t know how I studied under a kerosene lamp just like majority of Sri Lankans. When Westerners stomachs are full, they have luxury of talking about things like Environment, that they have fucked up in the first place.

If they want to introduce Carbon Tax to our part of the world, we should calculate that for last 200 years because we are paying now for what they have done in past 200 years.

We didn’t fuck up the environment. We don’t have Bling Bling. We don’t drive Hummer. We didn’t kill jesses. We are not Carbon sinners. West should pay for their sins first.


Blogger Deane said...

Actually, some reports say that china has overtaken the US in carbon emissions.

There is an open forum organized along the lines of how relevant should climate change, should be in the development agendas of small developing countries at the British Council on the 21st.

Do come if you are interested.


July 09, 2007 3:34 AM  
Blogger Sam said...

Hey Daene,
Thanks for the info!
Yes. China as a country has more carbon emission than America, but not per a head.

July 09, 2007 4:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Scientist/s who carried out tests on GM foods (in the UK) found out, mice fed with it, changed their sexual patterns/behaviours.

When they presented the facts, their funds were stopped and the laboratory shut down without explanation.
Pls don’t ask me for any links as this news is about 8 (may be more) years old. I came across it when doing some research on certain food types and their effects on children.

Thicker polythene is for repeated use. It is claimed, though thicker, it is biodegradable unlike the thinner one.

As for the west: they were and always will be hypocritical and selfish.

July 09, 2007 8:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some countries in the west got rich by slavery and subjugating other countries and exploiting their natural resources. So should developing countries today pick out a suitable target nation to enslave today? No? Why not? Same argument, different means.

The impacts of global warming (more violent storms, flooding) affect everyone and the poorer nations get hit harder because they don't have much infrastructure to begin with.

As for per head emissions... When Carlos Slim and Bill Gates walk into a bar full of winos, what happens to the per-head earnings of people in that bar? ;)

July 09, 2007 1:47 PM  
Blogger meraj said...

i came upon your blog from a comment on another one and enjoyed readin your point of view. i am from mumbai and will be travelling to colombo for work. would love to have conversations with you regarding your country and its changing society. to know more about me you can always visit my blog.

mail me on meraj.hasan@gmail.com, if you feel like having a chat over a cup of coffee or a drink (whichever you prefer).

July 11, 2007 7:11 PM  

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