21 May, 2007

Sri Lanka Achieves Her Educational Goals. I'm Sooo Proud! Yeh!

I just jump in to this news today. Sri Lanka as a low skill labor provider we finally achieve our education goals. I'm so happy of our achievements, I feel like jump with joy!
"In this year's General Certificate of Education-Ordinary Level (GCA-OL) exam, held after 11 years of schooling, 51 per cent had failed. The failure rate in Maths was 57 per cent; in Science, 51 per cent; and in English, 63 per cent."

"A recent survey conducted by the National Education Commission (NEC) found that out of a representative sample of 4,054 students from 70 schools taken from across the country, 18 per cent of the 6 th. Graders could not write at all! Only 35 per cent of the 10th graders could take down a passage dictated to them."
Now we have Sri Lankans with perfect skills to work in Middle East households and construction yards. Aren't we the best of the world or what?

This kids start schooling under Chandrika Bandaranayake, whom also an education minister back then. So I want to take movement to thanks Chandrika and Mahinda Governments and SLFP for the greatest achievement EVER! Thank you so much guys! Without you, we could not even come closer!

Sri Lanka!!! Number one!!


Blogger Voice in Colombo said...


Reading your this post, only one thing came to my mind. That's something you mentioned in one of my blog posts recently. Sri Lanka is heading towards it's favorite direction. Downhill!
Froget about security and all. What's happening in education? Theoritically, children in this era, got more facilities than when we were schooling, some 10, 15 years ago. Internet, satalite TV, more facilities in schools, more exposure to international.ll these are suppos to "boost" the education level right? But, our kids seems not getting the advantage of the facilities. Is it the kids to be blamed, or as usual the officials?

It's all question marks.

May 22, 2007 8:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

as i've said on educationforum.lk, and as you seem to agree with some sarcasm, these results are certainly in line with the expectations of the labour market. olevels and alevels are only for white collar jobs. there aren't many of them to go around. if everyone were to pass olevels, who'd do the manual jobs? in victoria they've got vce for students who want to go to uni, and vcat for those who want to be trade vocations.

vin, nothing is going downhill. if you look at the pass rate for the last 10 years, it's actually been steadily increasing. it was in high 30s and low 40s for most of that time. 49% is actually too high, believe it or not.

May 22, 2007 12:22 PM  
Blogger Sam said...

Unfortunately you have no what so idea about Grassroot Sri Lanka eh? Assuming garment factory job is not a white collar jobs, most of garment factory works – specially girls – at least have O/L, if not A/L. even three of my cousins works in a garment factory with O/L – one with A/L – even I have met a girl with degree working in a garment factory. My company driver, security guard both have A/L. I had a servant with A/L. I have couple of my good friends with A/L working in Middle East.
O/L and A/L is not for white collar jobs. Once I met a university lecture drive a taxi cab part time in New York.

If everyone were to pass O/L and A/L who do the manual jobs? Immigrants!

May 23, 2007 7:40 PM  

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